Sunday, January 25, 2015

Martin Luther King Jr., Long i, and Habitats

This week we had a short week due to the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.  We listened to a book about his life and talked about what it meant to have a dream.  We drew pictures of MLK and also wrote about our own dreams for our families, school, and world.  In literacy, we focused on learning how the -er and -est suffixes change words.  We also learned about some special silent letter digraphs, (kn, gn, mb, and wr).  In spelling, we practiced reading and writing long i words.  We also made melted snowmen and wrote about who we would melt for.  We wrapped up our unit on place value and will be on to a new unit when we return on track.  In science, we enjoyed learning what a habitat is.  We focused on deserts, the Arctic, grasslands, and ocean habitats.  The kids did some fun projects for each habitat, which I hope you enjoyed seeing at home.  Have a great off track time and I will see you in 3 weeks! 

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