Sunday, March 4, 2018

Lions and Lambs and Literacy Week

Since it was the beginning of March this week, we learned about the saying "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb."  We read a fun story together about that saying and then made our own lion and lamb.  We read some informational books and learned facts about lions and lambs and then wrote about what we learned.  We also worked on some opinion writing this week and wrote if we liked lions or lambs the best.  We also made lion and lamb weather charts.  We reviewed the digraphs, (ch, sh, th, and wh), all week long.  We learned about the "-ing" word family and made crowns and became the kings of -ing!  We also enjoyed literacy week with flashlight reading, a story read by a police officer, Dr. Seuss dress up day, a drop everything and read moment, and a very special assembly by Gail Halvorsen, the Candy Bomber!  Enjoy the pictures!

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